On Wednesday, December 14th I finally made it out to Red Byrd Arch. It lies deep within the Clifty Wilderness in the Red River
Gorge. Most everyone who goes there takes a route that parallels the Red River itself. It includes a creek crossing and a
Red River crossing as well. That in itself limits the time of year this can be done. The less traveled path includes a pathless
ridge top crossing. Coming off the ridge into the Rhododendron filled ravines make this like finding a needle in a haystack.
On this day I struck gold. Not only did I find the Arch,via ridge top, I also enjoyed the beauty of a snow decorated forest.
An old forest road provided an entry into the area.
Per advance planning, this was the way into the woods...sorry no trail.

Blow downs...God I hate blow downs.

Red Byrd Arch. Through blow downs and Rhododendron thickets...it was all worth it.

Red Byrd from the other side. As you can see it is well hiden. Many looking for it often it walk right past it.

Just a short walk from the arch are Red Byrd Peep Site and Shelf.